Fire Sprinkler Inspection
In addition to installing sprinkler systems, Smith Fire Systems can also manage your required annual inspections as well as 3rd party reporting for fire and life safety systems including: wet systems, dry systems, deluge, pre-action systems, standpipes, hose stations, foam systems, and anti-freeze systems.
Fire Alarm
Smith Fire Systems excels at coordination of Fire Alarm system testing to minimize customer impact of required inspections. We track, schedule, and provide reports to 3rd party reporting sites to support our clients with their required building management.
Backflow Preventers
From required annual inspections and repairs, to new installations and replacements, Smith Fire Systems will perform everything needed for all of your domestic and fire system backflow preventers.
Fire Pumps
We perform all testing for electric and diesel fire pumps including maintenance and adjustments. Smith Fire Systems will help you schedule and perform weekly, monthly, semi-annual, and annual inspections. We will work with you to ensure your inspection and maintenance schedule is appropriate for your needs and jurisdiction.
5-Year Inspections
To assist our customers' plan and budgeting for 5-year inspections, Smith Fire Systems can track and manage your needs for all inspections and services that aren’t annual, including gauge replacements, head sampling, and head replacements.
Sensitivity Testing
Understanding your system can save you time and money. Smith Fire Systems understands your system's capabilities and we work with our clients to provide sensitivity testing, from walking the client through the self-diagnostics, to also visiting the site when needed. Let us help you be proactive in building and budgeting for a plan.
Fire Extinguishers
We inspect, map, service, fill, install new, and even perform your multi-year service inspections for all types of fire extinguishers.
Fire Hydrants
Smith Fire Systems will help you manage and track your private hydrant system to perform annual and multi-year inspections and flow testing.
Hood Suppression
Inspections of your hood suppression system is not only required, but critical to extinguishing fires where they are most likely to start. Let us manage and inspect your hoods annually or semi-annually.

Clean Agent Systems
Smith Fire Systems will help make sure your clean agent system is ready to protect your facility’s equipment by scheduling inspections with you.